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Docker and Kubernetes

GFU Cyrus AG, in Köln (+2 Standorte)
3 Tage
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort, Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang, Inhouse-Schulung
Nächster Starttermin
19 November, 2024 (+7 Starttermine)
1.930 EUR MwSt. befreit
Webseite des Anbieters
3 Tage
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort, Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang, Inhouse-Schulung
Nächster Starttermin
19 November, 2024 (+7 Starttermine)
1.930 EUR MwSt. befreit
Webseite des Anbieters
Ab 1.930 EUR MwSt. befreit / Person


GFU Cyrus AG

Docker and Kubernetes

Advantages for developers using Docker and Kubernetes:
  • Consistent development environments: Docker ensures reproducible environments, enabling consistent development across different platforms.
  • Rapid application deployment: Docker and Kubernetes facilitate faster building, testing, and deployment of applications.
  • Scalability and resource utilization: Kubernetes enables horizontal scaling and optimal resource allocation based on demand.
  • Fault tolerance and high availability: Kubernetes ensures self-healing, auto-recovery, and load balancing for application reliability.
  • Simplified infrastructure management: Kubernetes abstracts away infrastructure complexities, allowing developers to focus on coding.
  • Microservices support: Docker and Kubernetes provide tools for building and managing microservices architectures.

Kommende Starttermine

Wählen Sie aus 7 verfügbaren Startterminen

19 November, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

19 November, 2024

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

17 Februar, 2025

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

17 Februar, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

26 Mai, 2025

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

26 Mai, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

Inhouse-Schulung auf Anfrage

  • Inhouse-Schulung
  • Deutschland
  • Deutsch

Inhalte / Module

  • Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes
    • Containerization overview
    • Benefits of containerization
    • Use cases for Docker and Kubernetes
  • Docker Fundamentals
    • Installing Docker
    • Docker architecture and components
      • Docker Engine
      • Docker Images
      • Docker Containers
      • Docker Registries
    • Working with Docker containers
      • Running containers
      • Inspecting containers
      • Managing container lifecycle
    • Building Docker images
      • Dockerfile basics
      • Building custom images
    • Docker networking
    • Docker storage and volumes
  • Docker Compose
    • Introduction to Docker Compose
    • Writing a Docker Compose file
    • Defining multi-container applications
    • Managing containers and networks with Docker Compose
  • Kubernetes Fundamentals
    • Introduction to Kubernetes
    • Kubernetes architecture and components
      • Kubernetes Master
      • Kubernetes Nodes
      • Kubernetes Pods
      • Kubernetes Services
      • Kubernetes Deployments
    • Deploying applications on Kubernetes
      • Creating deployments
      • Scaling deployments
      • Updating deployments
    • Kubernetes networking
      • Service types
      • Ingress controllers
  • Kubernetes Management and Monitoring
    • Managing application configuration with ConfigMaps
    • Securing sensitive data with Secrets
    • Autoscaling applications in Kubernetes
    • Monitoring and logging in Kubernetes
  • Advanced Kubernetes Topics
    • Stateful applications in Kubernetes
      • Deploying stateful sets
      • Working with persistent volumes
    • Deploying applications with Helm
    • Kubernetes security best practices
    • CI/CD with Kubernetes
      • Deploying applications with GitOps
  • Advanced Docker Topics
    • Docker swarm mode for orchestration
    • Docker networking options
    • Docker security best practices

Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

  • Software Developers and Engineers: Those responsible for building applications, including web developers, application developers, and DevOps engineers.
  • System Administrators and IT Professionals: Individuals involved in managing infrastructure, deploying and maintaining applications, and ensuring system reliability.
  • Operations and DevOps Teams: Teams responsible for deployment, automation, and collaboration between development and operations.
  • IT Managers and Decision-Makers: Managers and leaders who make technology decisions and oversee the implementation of containerization and orchestration strategies.
  • Cloud Professionals: Those working with cloud platforms, such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, or other cloud service providers, to leverage containerization and orchestration capabilities.
  • Technical Leads and Architects: Individuals responsible for designing and architecting applications, infrastructure, and implementing best practices using Docker and Kubernetes.

Hinweis: Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Mitarbeitende aus Unternehmen und Institutionen. 

Für Privatpersonen ist dieser Kurs leider nicht geeignet.

Eine Informationsanfrage zu diesem Kurs ist nur für Beteiligte aus dem B2B-Bereich sinnvoll.

Abschlussqualifikation / Zertifikat

Teilnahmezertifikat und digitales Badge

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GFU Cyrus AG
Am Grauen Stein 27
51105 Köln

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