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Elasticsearch and OpenSearch for Developers Complete

GFU Cyrus AG, in Köln (+2 Standorte)
4 Tage
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort, Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang, Inhouse-Schulung
Nächster Starttermin
17 Dezember, 2024 (+11 Starttermine)
2.530 EUR MwSt. befreit
Webseite des Anbieters
4 Tage
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort, Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang, Inhouse-Schulung
Nächster Starttermin
17 Dezember, 2024 (+11 Starttermine)
2.530 EUR MwSt. befreit
Webseite des Anbieters
Ab 2.530 EUR MwSt. befreit / Person


GFU Cyrus AG

Elasticsearch and OpenSearch for Developers Complete

Companies can benefit from a course on Elasticsearch and OpenSearch for developers in several ways:
  • Enhanced Data Management: Elasticsearch and OpenSearch are powerful search and analytics engines that can efficiently handle large volumes of structured and unstructured data. By training their developers on these technologies, companies can improve their data management capabilities, enabling faster and more accurate search, analysis, and retrieval of information.
  • Improved Application Performance: Elasticsearch and OpenSearch can be integrated into applications to provide real-time search and data analysis functionalities. Developers who understand these technologies can optimize their applications by leveraging features such as query optimization, distributed searching, and caching, resulting in faster and more responsive applications.
  • Scalability and Resilience: Elasticsearch and OpenSearch are designed to scale horizontally, allowing companies to handle increasing data volumes and user loads. With proper training, developers can implement strategies for efficient sharding, replication, and cluster management, ensuring high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability of the search infrastructure.
  • Advanced Search and Analytics Capabilities: Elasticsearch and OpenSearch offer a rich set of search and analytics features, including full-text search, aggregations, filtering, geospatial search, and machine learning capabilities. Companies that invest in training their developers can leverage these advanced capabilities to gain valuable insights from their data, improve decision-making processes, and build innovative applications.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: Elasticsearch and OpenSearch can integrate with various data sources and systems, including databases, messaging queues, and log files. Developers who understand these integration mechanisms can efficiently extract, transform, and load data into Elasticsearch/OpenSearch, enabling a unified search experience across multiple data sources and systems.
  • Centralized Monitoring and Log Management: With the inclusion of Logstash and Beats in the course curriculum, developers can learn how to collect, process, and ship logs and metrics data to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch. This enables companies to set up centralized monitoring and log management systems, gaining valuable insights into application performance, system health, and security.
  • Security and Access Control: Elasticsearch and OpenSearch provide robust security features, including authentication, authorization, and encryption. By training their developers on security best practices, companies can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their data, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches.

Kommende Starttermine

Wählen Sie aus 11 verfügbaren Startterminen

17 Dezember, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

17 Dezember, 2024

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

3 Februar, 2025

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

3 Februar, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

12 Mai, 2025

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

12 Mai, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

18 August, 2025

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

18 August, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

3 November, 2025

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Deutsch

3 November, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Deutsch

Inhouse-Schulung auf Anfrage

  • Inhouse-Schulung
  • Deutschland
  • Deutsch

Inhalte / Module

  • Introduction to Elasticsearch and OpenSearch
    • Overview of Elasticsearch and OpenSearch
    • Key features and use cases
    • Understanding the architecture
  • Installation and Setup
    • Installing Elasticsearch/OpenSearch on different platforms
    • Configuring and optimizing the cluster
    • Basic cluster management
  • Indexing and Searching Data
    • Indexing data into Elasticsearch/OpenSearch
    • Mapping and data types
    • Querying and searching data
    • Full-text search and relevance scoring
  • Advanced Search Features
    • Filtering and aggregations
    • Highlighting and snippets
    • Fuzzy and proximity search
  • Distributed Searching and Scalability
    • Sharding and replication
    • Cluster coordination and node discovery
    • Handling large-scale data
    • Monitoring and performance tuning
  • Data Modeling and Analysis
    • Understanding document modeling
    • Nested and parent-child relationships
    • Working with time-series data
    • Introduction to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch SQL and Machine Learning
  • Advanced Features and Integrations
    • Working with geo-spatial data
    • Handling structured and unstructured data
    • Integrating with other systems (e.g., databases, messaging queues)
    • Securing Elasticsearch/OpenSearch
  • Real-time Analytics and Monitoring
    • Using the Elasticsearch/OpenSearch APIs for real-time analytics
    • Creating dashboards and reports
    • Alerts and notifications
  • Query DSL
    • Introduction to Query DSL (Domain-Specific Language)
    • Querying with match, term, range, bool, and other query types
    • Combining queries with must, must_not, should clauses
    • Boosting and relevance tuning
    • Understanding query performance and optimization techniques
  • Kibana and Visualization
    • Introduction to Kibana as a data visualization tool
    • Creating visualizations and dashboards
    • Exploring and analyzing data with Kibana Discover
    • Using Kibana Visual Builder for time series analysis
    • Customizing and sharing visualizations
  • Logstash
    • Introduction to Logstash for data ingestion and processing
    • Configuring Logstash pipelines
    • Input, filter, and output plugins
    • Transforming and enriching data with Logstash filters
    • Integration with Elasticsearch/OpenSearch
  • Beats
    • Overview of Beats as lightweight data shippers
    • Installing and configuring Beats (e.g., Filebeat, Metricbeat)
    • Collecting and shipping different types of data (logs, metrics, network data)
    • Setting up centralized monitoring and management of Beats
    • Extending and customizing Beats
  • Asynchronous Operations and Bulk Processing
    • Understanding asynchronous operations in Elasticsearch/OpenSearch
    • Bulk API for efficient indexing and updates
    • Managing concurrent requests and optimizing performance
    • Handling failures and retrying operations
    • Bulk processing and pipeline configurations
  • Security and Access Control
    • Securing Elasticsearch/OpenSearch clusters
    • Authentication and authorization mechanisms
    • Configuring roles, users, and permissions
    • Encryption and SSL/TLS setup
  • Best Practices and Troubleshooting
    • Indexing and querying best practices
    • Performance optimization tips
    • Handling failures and troubleshooting common issues
    • Upgrading and scaling Elasticsearch/OpenSearch

Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

he seminar on Elasticsearch and OpenSearch for developers is suitable for:
  • Software Developers, Data Engineers, System Architects, Technical Leads and Team Leads, Data Scientists and Analysts, IT Professionals

Hinweis: Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Mitarbeitende aus Unternehmen und Institutionen. 

Für Privatpersonen ist dieser Kurs leider nicht geeignet.

Eine Informationsanfrage zu diesem Kurs ist nur für Beteiligte aus dem B2B-Bereich sinnvoll.

Abschlussqualifikation / Zertifikat

Teilnahmezertifikat und digitales Badge

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GFU Cyrus AG
Am Grauen Stein 27
51105 Köln

GFU Cyrus AG

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