Advanced Data Analytics - Weiterbildung zum/zur Data AnalystIn

neuefische GmbH, in Hamburg (+5 Standorte)
3 Monate
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort, Live-Webinar
Nächster Starttermin
1 Juli, 2024 (+6 Starttermine)
9.500 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
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Förderung möglich
3 Monate
Präsenzkurs / vor Ort, Live-Webinar
Nächster Starttermin
1 Juli, 2024 (+6 Starttermine)
9.500 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
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neuefische GmbH

Advanced Data Analytics - Weiterbildung zum/zur Data AnalystIn

Boost your career with our Data Analytics training

Want to become a Data Analyst? Whether in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich or remotely (live online): In the Data Analytics course you learn to identify the right business questions and solve them with data. Our coaches teach you how to work with stakeholders to understand the causes of business problems and then turn them into mathematical tasks.

Your new skills will help you do this: data visualization with Tableau, data processing through APIs and SQL, and implementing Python Machine Learning to generate missing data. The full "data package" - in just 12 weeks. Start now to learn Data Analytics!

Möchten Sie mehr über diese Weiterbildung erfahren?

Kommende Starttermine

Wählen Sie aus 6 verfügbaren Startterminen

1 Juli, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Berlin
  • Englisch

1 Juli, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Frankfurt a. M.
  • Englisch

1 Juli, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Hamburg
  • Englisch

1 Juli, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • Köln
  • Englisch

1 Juli, 2024

  • Präsenzkurs / vor Ort
  • München
  • Englisch

1 Juli, 2024

  • Live-Webinar
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Englisch

Inhalte / Module

Phase 1 Get to know & Basics

Learn data analytics and your toolbox

Let's code! Congratulations on your decision to join our Data Analytics training.
As in all boot camps, we start by introducing ourselves and getting to know you and all the other participants - after all, nothing is more important than creating an open and supportive environment.

Then it's down to the nitty-gritty: data analysis. You'll get an all-around view and understanding of the role, tasks and stakeholders of data analysts. We will also give you a first insight into the tools used - your toolbox that you will also use on the job.

Phase 2 Stats, Sheets and Slides

Your latest trick: Statistics

In phase 2 of your data analyst training, you will learn what "descriptive statistics" are all about and why they are so important for data analysts: They are especially useful when dealing with extensive data material in order not to lose the overview (and your nerves).

In addition, we will teach you how to use Google Sheets, show you some tricks to create good presentations and you will learn some helpful problem-solving methods from our coaches.

Phase 3 Coding Deep Dive: Python & Co.

Now you become a legal hacker

Time to set up your setup: Together we will prepare your computer to work as a hacker and finally get familiar with the command line. We will install Python in a conda environment. Now you understand the concept of "virtual environments", can create them yourself, and use package and library management tools.

You will become familiar with coding in an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and understand Python syntax, different data types and structures, variables, loops, conditional statements and functions. And because you are now able to use and write pseudocode, you will also write your first simple program.

Phase 4 Perform data analysis

Performing data analysis with Python

Now that you're deep into the topic, you'll learn about the concept of an EDA - exploratory data analysis, which examines data with little knowledge of its relationships. In the process, you'll learn how to collect, expand, and cleanse data using "pandas data frames." While performing such an EDA you already combine several data sets and deal with missing values.

Using your skills in descriptive statistics (phase 2), you extract meaning from data and learn not only what KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are, but also create them. In addition, our coaches will teach you what makes so-called "plots" useful and how to apply them. You will use Matplotlib and Seaborn and learn how to create diagrams.

Phase 5 Internal Data Sourcing with SQL and Databases

Internal Data Sourcing with SQL and Databases

Just before the final spurt, you will learn the basics about databases and their structures with the other participants. You will learn how to use DBeaver to connect to the provided PostgreSQL database, how SQL syntax is defined and how to build an SQL query.

With the help of code-along script files and other tasks provided by the coaches, you will learn SQL execution in a practical and effective way. On top, you'll learn about the elements of data infrastructures and how to design a star schema. Sounds complicated to you? Don't worry, we'll take you through it bit by bit!

Phase 6 External Data Sourcing

External data sourcing with data from the network

In Phase 6, you'll work with API keys to connect to APIs. We'll teach you how to automate multiple calls with different parameters. In addition, you'll learn to execute SQL queries from Python and practice reading the documentation to understand limits, request and response formats.

Heard about JSON files? We'll show you how to access them and extract data from them. With all the skills you've learned so far, you'll then run a project to solidify your knowledge. You'll do this with agile tools to organize the project as perfectly as you will later on in your job!

Phase 7 Data visualization with Tableau

Prepare your data visually perfect - with Tableau

An important task of data analysis: Visualization. Therefore, in the last phase before the final exam, you will learn how to connect to data and perform basic data exploration - while getting familiar with the Tableau environment.

As part of this learning, you'll learn how to filter and group data, calculate fields and use parameters. LODs and table calculations will be part of your repertoire after the boot camp, as well as creating interactive dashboards.

Phase 8 Final project & presentation

Your finale at the graduation event

Because we are 100% convinced that the best way to remember what you have learned is through practical application, you will spend the last four weeks of your Data Analytics Bootcamp incorporating all of your knowledge into your digital capstone project.

Once you've made it this far, you can officially call yourself a Data Analyst. Congratulations!

Nutzen & Mehrwert

Benefits of the Data Analyst education

Your data analytics course is supervised by 2 coaches, you get 540 hours of effective teaching, practical tasks and 1:1 feedback sessions. Training in Kanban, agile methods, stress reduction and presentation are also part of the course, as well as your grand finale: In the last 4 weeks, you will create your digital capstone project. Of course, we will prepare you perfectly for your job interviews in Career Coaching.

Aufbau & Organisation


  • Full-Time: 12 weeks (Mo – Fr, 9am – 6pm)
  • Participants: approx. 15
  • Coaches: 2 per bootcamp
  • Locations: Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich oder remote (live online)
  • Course language: English

Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

For whom is the Data Analytics bootcamp suited?

Our Data Analyst education is suitable for anyone who has a university degree or work experience and loves to solve problems. Previous knowledge of mathematics or physics, as well as business tools such as CRM or ERP software, is helpful. If you know your way around Excel and have some programming experience: great! We promote DiversITy, regardless of gender, sexual orientations, social and ethnic background, etc., and welcome all who are motivated: Let’s code!

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Gassstr. 6
22761 Hamburg

neuefische GmbH

Accelerate Your Tech Career with neuefische! Embark on your journey into the tech industry with our expert-led bootcamps. Whether you're making a career change, advancing your current path, or expanding your skill set, our courses provide the perfect starting point....

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