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International Sales & Distribution Agreements

BeckAkademie Seminare, Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
2 Tage
Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
Nächster Starttermin
26 November, 2024 (+3 Starttermine)
1.176,91 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
2 Tage
Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
Nächster Starttermin
26 November, 2024 (+3 Starttermine)
1.176,91 EUR inkl. MwSt.
Webseite des Anbieters
Für weitere Informationen stellen Sie gerne eine Informationsanfrage 👍


Regardless of the subject matter, the applicable law or the location, the vast majority of cross border agreements for goods and services today are developed in the English language. Understanding the legal terminology, the key legal clauses as well the various structural options for setting up such contracts are all essential elements in our contractual toolkit. This meeting deals with the main differences in risk and liability issues between German, U.S. & English Law (civil law/common law) as well as CISG. It is intended to offer participants both the Legal English as well as the legal parameters for their own contracts to manage the key risks associated with such international transactions.

Template contracts and clauses (“boilerplates”) are provided. The webinar language is English, but German can be used as required.

Kommende Starttermine

Wählen Sie aus 3 verfügbaren Startterminen

26 November, 2024

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang

13 Mai, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang

13 November, 2025

  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang
  • Online-Kurs / Fernlehrgang

Inhalte / Module

  • Choice of Law, Forum, Arbitration
    • Material v Procedural Law
    • CISG
  • Mediation, Enforcement
    • ADR Alternatives
    • New York & Singapore Conventions
  • Transport, Risk, INCOTERMS
    • Title, Possession & Risk
    • Shipping Conditions
  • Distribution Structures
    • Competition & Cartel Law
    • Form & Structure
  • Agency, Partnership, JV, SPV
    • Pros & Cons
    • Sole & Exclusive
  • Checklists & Templates
    • Sales Agreements
    • Distribution Contract
  • Liability
    • Limitation & Exclusion
    • Indemnity, Contractual Estoppel
  • Guarantees & Warranties
  • Force Majeure & Unforeseen Events
    • COVID, Brexit, etc.
    • Embargo, Sanctions
  • Retention of Title

Zielgruppe / Voraussetzungen

Unternehmensjuristen, Rechtsanwälte, Fach- und Führungskräfte, die schwerpunktmäßig im internationalen Rechtsverkehr tätig sind

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